Diseño y Desarrollo web en Asturias y Madrid | Gestor de contenidos accesible

Web mobile

At Sentido Común we are committed to web development adapted to mobile devices. As you can see on this website, its presentation varies according to the size of the device from which it is accessed, which is called ´responsive´ design.


In recent years, the W3C has developed several Web technologies that explicitly take into account the specificities of mobile devices:

Mobile CSS, a cascading style sheet language profile that matches the need of authors for the mobile Web.

SVG Tiny, a Web scalability profile in vector graphics format well adapted to the capabilities of mobile devices

XHTML for Mobile , which defines a subset of XHTML for Mobile

The latest generation of mobile browsers is capable of using the most advanced Web technologies, including HTML5 features, CSS 2.1 and 3, and some JavaScript APIs, paving the way for mobile web-based applications (including players).

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