Diseño y Desarrollo web en Asturias y Madrid | Gestor de contenidos accesible

Food industry

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icono logo Provacuno


Web site of the Interprofessional Agroalimentary Organization of Beef and Veal.


5 a day

5 al día (5 a day) is a non-profit making ASSOCIATION whose aim is to promote the daily consumption of FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES.

Logo AFLevadura


AFLE is a national non-profit organisation of yeast companies. Founded in 2012, it represents companies that manufacture yeast for nutrition, health, baking and fermentation in the European Union and sell it in Spain. Its mission is to defend the interests of its members before public administrations and other entities.

Logo Beefawards


PROVACUNO launches the sector's awards to society in appreciation of its work in different areas of life. The Beef Awards celebrate excellence in fashion, film, gastronomy, sport, nutrition, music, health, sustainability and many other disciplines.


El Cierrón Blueberries

Arándanos el Cierrón is a family business, the result of more than 30 years of work and effort dedicated to the world of blueberries and berries.

Its main brand is "Arándanos el Cierrón", the name of the farm that gave rise to the company and which includes the plant nursery.

logo aramburu


Selection of the best products of the land, making available to all customers denominations of origin, leading brands and local products.



The Spanish National Association of Meat Industries (ANICE) is a non-profit business organisation made up of more than 600 companies in the meat sector.



Professional Association of Dietitians-Nutritionists of the Principality of Asturias



The FEV is the main private organisation of wineries and the only one with a national character. It was created in 1978 to represent and defend the interests of Spanish wineries and to promote the trade in wine and grape-based products. In 2018 we celebrated 40 years at the service of the Spanish wine sector.



The National Pet Food Manufacturers Association, which celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2020, has worked with specialists in various fields of nutrition, health and animal welfare to provide safe, quality, varied and palatable food for our pets.

diseño y desarrollo,web,web alimentación

desarrollo web asociación Asozumos


ASOZUMOS is made up of the most important companies in the juice sector, which account for more than 90% of production.


Veterindustria is the Spanish Business Association of the Animal Health and Nutrition Industry.

diseño web madrid, sector alimentacion, gestor de contenidos, Harinas, sémolas



Official website of the Spanish Flour and Semolina Manufacturers Association.



Euroganadería.eu is a digital newspaper created and promoted by a team of livestock experts, with the intention of uniting all the interests of the sector and bringing them closer together, to the benefit of all parties.

seguridad alimentaria, información nutricional, nutrición y salud

Portal web con información nutricional y de seguridad alimentaria

Inter-Food Forum

New website of the Inter-Food Forum. National association for the improvement of training and food information for consumers and society.

Periodico digital CMS Qcom.es

Digital Newspaper Qcom.es

Digital newspaper for the dissemination of food content to consumers.



PROVACUNO is the Interprofessional Agri-Food Organisation for Beef and Veal.

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